Stephan Maximilian Huber


A lot of nature in black and white


People on a beach, photographed from the top

#photography #sea

A picture of sea waves and their foam

#flowers #photography

Flowers and grass

Mies van der Rohe, #Berlin #Photography

Mies van der Rohe, Berlin

#photography Kringwi

A complete wall of a house covered with plastic


Some walls

#berlin #photography

A street in berlin

#reflection #photography

Reflection of sunlight in a window of a building


Some barricades in front of the beach


An image of the Eiermarkt building in Antwerp


A sign lying on the floor

#overgrown #photography

overgrown nature

#trees #photography

some trees and their shadows

#PastelDeNatas #photography

#snow #photography

blurry snow in front of a dark building

#BotanicalGarden #Photography

some plants behind a window

#snow #steps #photography

footsteps on snow

#twilight #photography

some buildings with a lot of reflections in the twilight

#altona #mist #photography

a  hurxh in the mist with some trees

#altona #mist #photography

a skyscraper partly visible in the mist


#oz #photography

the leftovers of the holsten brewery in hamburg altona


some graffiti in the night


plants in a window mirroring parts of the street