Stephan Maximilian Huber

#altona #mist #photography

a skyscraper partly visible in the mist


#oz #photography

the leftovers of the holsten brewery in hamburg altona


some graffiti in the night


plants in a window mirroring parts of the street

#drops #photography

branches covered with drops

#lost #photography

someone standing in the woods

#vanillekipferl #photography

vanillekipferl in a box

First snow

first snow

Very slow progress… #3 #plottertwitter #axidraw #rabbit-hole

plot number 3

Hello world! My first steps into a new rabbit hole. #penplotter #axidraw #plottertwitter

a photo of my first tests with an axidraw plotter


orange clouds in the sky



closeup of graffittis and advertisings

trees in autumn

trees in autumn


Finally, on the wall!

Hello world!
